Posts Tagged ‘Visio Divina’

A fun lead in that I was reminded of this week, while reading Peter Mansbridge’s latest memoir Off the Record, with reminiscents of his life new to Canada from Britain to being discovered as a baggage handler to entering the world of media through CBC and journalism to becoming the anchor of the National. It shared some different thoughts. The intrigue that may be forgotten of the 1980’s Federal election where the story was broken of a Chretien faction attempting to unseat then Liberal Leader John Turner mid-election. Which led to the ponderance of through machinations that Jason Kenney gets the 50% +1 vote during the Leadership Review April 9 in Red Deer, AB– could this be a plan B of scorched earth to walk away and still look like he has done nothing to cause the carnage? Especially tracking the current exchanges of UCP MLA’s (or their comms staff running the accounts) online.

Aside from that, it was also a reminder, that there was a time in history, when some talent could lead to opportunity and on the job learning, mentoring and equipping for a talent-passion and purpose. It also cultivated loyalty, as Mansbridge would touch on a few times, outisde offers made and turned down that were more lucrative. The thing here is the path into vocation may have shifted, with more formal education necessary. What should not have been lost though, is still seeing the employee as a person, investing in them, and their life long learning, equipping and mentorship to continue to cultivate the talent-passion and purpose into loyalty. An employee should have opportunity to thrive, and be cared for that more organizations are seeing life long careers at one agency, and not multiplicity of organization hopping for opportuniteis or growth.

Which takes us from this idea of purpose, into where that understanding grows. Disney-Pixar’s latest has been getting some press. Some ludicrous rooted in the emergent from under the rock white nationalist culture that a coming of age story within the culture of an Asian family in Toronto is not relatable, really missed the mark of story telling that connects. Which Turning Red does. The other is the “parent choice” religious right anti-menstration league that are having the vapours as the movie deals with puberty, changes in the body, and the period. This fear and anger is rooted in patriachal structures, acted through misogyny, and more than likely, asserted in the weirdness of the oppressive complimentarianism (for more on that fallacy of that theology, Barr’s The Making of Biblical Womanhood is a must read). Yet in all these “red flags’ that try to shame folks within those cultural control groups to turn away, there is a wonderful, honest, age appropriate story the family can engage in:

What is missed in all the obstufucation? That at its core is a story of belonging. Discovering who we are, and the important natural supports (personal circles of support) that aid us in discovering that about ourselves. Belonging in ourselves. For the life coaches out there as well, the removal of the individual and communal gremlins to thrive into who you authentically are. Enjoy the ride! Watch it with multi-generations, and engage in the discussion afterwards of what you do with your “Red Panda”.

The movements of art this week, brought us into the mid-week service at Marda Loop Church, a space trying to engage the faith walk a little differently. As well, as continuing to leverage technology for connection (which as a medically complex family, we are glad to still be able to connect on those days we cannot physically be there). This past Thursday, church was Visio Divinia. Like the practice of Lectio it is rooted in the story, but here after hearing the story, you have 2-3 minutes with an image from the story that an artist has crafted. The beauty of a complete service being shaped in some of the stories from Genesis, is the conversation and discussion connecting points. Those moments noted in the Gospel of sharing, questioning and growing what it means to live the faith, is in the moment. For spirituality, living the gospel life is not a head knowledge game, it intersects our holistic person, and is meant to be experienced and discovered together in community and taken forward. An aside, one of the reasons I resonate with Franciscanism, where learning a biblical teaching is more than memorization of chapter and verses or knowledge, it is the internalized living out. Also, it is always affirming to hear another pastor assert the truth of David-Bathsheba and the sexual assault.

Stories shared and the etchings follow, click on the story title for the scripture in English Standard Version to read, I encourage this to happen within community (more than 1) for discussion, as well, I encourge between generations, we had, as always, our kiddos and it brings different noticings (though my neurodivergence every so often would fixate on the dog, much like why I love the story of Tobit).

Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac:

Abraham casts out Hagar and Ishmael

Joseph tells his dream (remember Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat? Joseph is the centre here):

What was given as homework, is the story of Purim, that is the book of Esther in the Hebrew Bible, and this etching of The Triumph of Mordecai:

Thank you for indulging the length of this post. Anyone who has been involved in my work, teaching, or many moons ago when I was involved with the ELCIC as a Lay Professional Leader and had a contemplative mid-week service, know how I do enjoy the spiritual practice as part of the spiritual formation. Also through the flow, there is the reminiscient of my own vocational story of making the connections with the Holy and life, the conversations I have had with many clergy and laity that the “canon” of scripture goes beyond the 66 books of the Protestant Bible (first notice is of course Orthodox, Coptix and Roman Catholic Bibles). We also have to take into account the creation we have been called into as caretakers of, the ongoing revelation through the arts, science and other learnings for if the Holy Mystery is in everything and everything is in the Holy Mystery revelation continues second by second.

And let us not forget the beautiful diversity that is the Imageo Dei (the image we are created in), for me, it resonates fo much with the Star Trek ideal of IDIC– Infinite Diveristy in Infinite Combinations. Which brings us to an article I just want to draw your attention to dear reader, around how story and fandoms can aid us in our own discoveries and health as Jay Stobie shares on Star Trek, Lt. Barclay and Mental health here.

Just a final PSA throwback to when Ecclectica used to be an e-mail based Canadian and Alberta political round up: April 9 Premier Jason Kenney is undergroing a leadership review as leader of the United Conservative Party. Where most leaders ahve a 70% threshold to stay on, he has stated, much like the Clairty Act, of it being 50% + 1 vote. I have noted many progressives defaulting to the old Alberta practice of buying PC party memberships to vote in the review to oust Mr. Kenney, and then by proxy vote in the leadership contest for the new “premier” it became engrained in the 40+ years of PC rule.

What I want to note as missing though, is this practice continued to push forward a party that many stated they were unhappy with in power. So why do we want to repeat the cycle? Aside from giving the monetary boost of membership sales. If being involved in other parties one sees a Mr. Kenney led UCP as beatable in 2023 (which polling is bearing out), why give the opportunity for a new leader and snap election?

Change begins by first knowing and naming what needs to change. Then fear, will lead us into repeating the cycle that affirms what has always been. True courage is in breaking the old cycle habits, many outside the UCP continue to say they see the change needed, lets take the courageous steps to break the Alberta cylce of affirming we’re okay with a party, and it’s only one person that has shaped the culture ebing imposed. Parties, like communities, are made up of many that create the culture.

As we flow through this ecclectica, take time to do a check in within your world, and begin to cultivate optimism and some resilience by journalling these 3 questions each day for at least a week:

  1. What are three things you are grateful for and why?
  2. Something new you have learned today?
  3. One thing you will do for self-care (to renew yourself) today?

Oh and after you have watched Turning Red, take time to draw your red panda and ask, is it being a part of me who I am or does it need to leave?
