The Day the Alien’s Came

Posted: January 4, 2011 by Paul Vargis in Humans for Alien Rule, Musings

The day the Aliens came


By Paul Vargis

October 26, 2010


Nobody questioned why they had come, they were just so glad to see them.


For decades people all over the world had prayed that an intelligent life-force would take over and remove their crumbling despotic governments. By now, many of these governments were mere figureheads. There really was nothing they could do to help their own citizens as they were already bankrupt and existed in name only.


So when the aliens came, it brought instant relief, and brought no trepidation at all to the hearts of men. In fact, people equated it with the second coming. Many religions feverously changed their stories to reflect what was presently going on. How an intelligent life force would come to the Earth, and they really would be judged by what they had done or failed to do.


And it was as expected, the science fiction writers really had got it right. The ships that landed out in farmer’s fields really were spherical shaped. And the “mother ship” that brought them looked like a small extra moon that orbited the Earth.


That moon or mother ship was so large that it’s extra gravitational pull affected the ocean tides so that they never came in or out as much as they had done before.


People waited, and waited some more until finally contact was made.


It came in the form of every nuclear missile on earth simultaneously launching into outer space. But they never returned to unleash their destruction.


When astronomers looked into space to discover what happened, they found the nuclear missiles in earth’s orbit being dismantled by robots.


When humanity learned of this, they cheered, making people wonder what they had done with the biological weapons that they Chinese government had taken over as one of it’s conditions for lending even more money to the now defunct governments of Russia and the USA.


Although Chinese government did not openly speak of it, it was assumed by many that the aliens had dealt with that threat first.


But with the fear of nuclear war, many nation states acted out in revenge against those nation states that had oppressed them for centuries.


Because of this, the Revenge Wars, as they came to be known, erupted all throughout the world. Most notably, the USA conceded most of the original thirteen states, plus Florida and Texas, to pay retribution for the Persian Gulf Wars of 1990 and 2003.


This reduced the size of the USA by a quarter if you take into consideration the northwestern states that seceded from the USA to join Canada a few decades earlier.


Even Russia was forced to make concession to its’ neighboring states.


Then China was forced to give up Tibet, and Hong Kong, (affectionately called Best Buy by the masses), who separated and became their own nation states.


The sudden turmoil helped Africa though. Africa had several dissolved states who had long ago been given up to tribal anarchy. But with the presence of a superior force, former enemy states merged so that they could have a stronger military or diplomatic presence.


Europeans, embarrassed that Africa had thought of it first, suddenly created their own body to represent them. Though, critics noted that Africans had elected their representatives, while Europeans just assembled their old vestiges of political power that wealthy capitalists had financially supported decades before.


But this was traditionally how Europe had been represented, so it really didn’t matter.


Then the aliens emerged from their ships that had been sitting in farmer’s fields all this time. Astronomers noted that this also was the very same day that the robots had finished dismantling those nuclear missiles in space.


The aliens had various forms. Some were bipeds, other moved more like a cross between a monkey and a four-legged Chameleon. All of them could change skin color. They would remain white if surrounded by predominantly white people. However, if the population was mixed, their skin color turned into what looked like an East Indian, Morocco mix. If the population was mostly black, then their skin color turned black.


If they tried to hide, their skin color changed to resemble their background.


That helped those who first met them. The fact that aliens shared their same color of skin. This noticeably helped them in conversations with people.


“Conversations”, may be a poor choice of words. They chose to communicate with people by using sign language. The most universal language found on Earth.


Months later, the first documented communications came via satellite to various universities. It was mathematicians at Bill Gates University, (formerly known as Harvard University), who deciphered the transmissions only to discover that they had received the alien’s alphabet. The first step in understanding alien the following transmissions that still come today. What they send is difficult to decipher, but it seems to be their version of an intergalactic newspaper.


After the aliens confirmed that most humans could understand their sign language, they grew more courageous and were found mingling at marketplaces throughout the world. Sometimes even buying local artifacts with local currency that many suspected were forgeries but nobody could tell the difference.


So local artists couldn’t care. They needed the money. Nor could the remaining museums, theatre groups, and musical groups. The aliens seemed to love it all.


At one venue, soldiers were unfortunately found ejecting an intoxicated man from the theatre. The intoxicated man hit one of the soldiers causing him to stumble and fall into a stack of wooden crates. The sound of laughter caused him to angrily point his weapon at what turned out to be a group of aliens.


The soldier, not wanting to be seen backing down, yelled at the alien who he thought had laughed at him. Another alien started to intercede, but the lead alien waved him back.


Pointing to two of the aliens, he indicated for them to come forward. Then the three aliens started to act strangely and in ways that the soldier didn’t understand.


Then one of the older theatre goers gasped and exclaimed,


“They’re imitating Laurel and Hardy”.


As the crowd realized what they were seeing they started to clap and cheer.


But the young soldier didn’t understand, and yelled out,


“Are they mocking me”?


The man limped over as quickly as he could and said,


“No, No, No. Quite far from it. They are mocking themselves”, he explained. “Just like some of our comedians did a long time ago”.


“See, now look. I think they are all dancing”!


And to the crowd the elderly man yelled out the question,


“Is that their form of dance”?


Nobody answered him. They were all entranced by what they saw.


At first, they seemed to be dancing individually, but after awhile a consistent theme could be seen. To observers trained in the art of Dance, it was the story of struggle and hardship. A story of adversity that had somehow been overcome by working together towards the same goal.


At the end, the humans clapped and cheered. Although though nobody filmed it, (as nobody with a camera would take it to a market place where it would be stolen), there were many witnesses who collaborated the story, and so it was considered true.


This story spread throughout the entire world. It showed their compassion and offset the fears that were starting to emerge from people, which was, what do they intend to do with us?


But some fear still remained, and armies were formed along the new diplomatic lines. Trade improved as nobody thought it was a good time to fret over petty disputes that people had fought over for thousands of years.


People who were concerned with the threat now saw no reason to not work with someone else. The combined fear of a possible war with the aliens brought people together from all over the world.


No longer did language, custom, sex or religion divide people. In time there were six groups of representatives who shared the same geographical boundaries. It was a ocean that divided people, or maybe a mountain range, but the old ways of doing things were people divided themselves by their skin color, their sex or religion were gone.


Before leaving, there was a calling together of all the world leaders to formerly meet with the aliens, and again the Alien’s choice of location showed that they saw no particular group as being better than another. For the site they chose to meet was the middle of the South Pacific ocean which had become basically a garbage dump.


As our representatives started to arrive in their newly revived battleships, they came upon a large group of aliens who had taken it up upon themselves to clean up the waters of all the plastic and other garbage that they could find.


Today, fish is apart of our diet, but until then the oceans were considered too polluted to eat from.


Their gift at the ceremony was a map and a machine that they had placed in wooden crates for the leaders. When assembled these machines at the correct coordinates, they at first thought they had been given some alien artwork.


In a world filled with starvation, this gift was considered a joke until the rains came. Then something happened. The machines attracted lightening. Like never seen before.


And these energized bolts of lighting where redirected back up into the sky. A fizzling sound could be heard for miles and people started to fear what they were doing.


But then an older scientist, this time from Oxford University had an idea.


Why did the alien machine both attract lightening, and redirect it back up into the sky, he asked?


Could the energy collected be used to power their remaining city states?


Some could, he found. There seemed to be two types of machines. One could be put into the toxic lakes that industrialists had created during the 21st century. Checking the maps again, there did seem to be instructions of what pollutants to add to these already toxic lakes.


This would make a very large battery for the power to be drawn off as needed in between lightening strikes.


The other type of machine redirected energy back up into the upper stratosphere.


What for?


A chemist at the university answered the question.


“It makes ozone”, he explained.


“Well, it makes more ozone. Lightning generates so much power that it fuses oxygen into ozone. The same lightning strike takes some of that ozone back up into the stratosphere where it creates an ozone layer that protects all life on earth from the sun’s harmful rays”.


“These machines, he said pointing to the map, appear to be shooting more ozone back up into the upper stratosphere. One day, our children will not have to shield their skin from the sun. They will be able to walk around naked if they wanted to, without any fear of our Sun’s harmful rays”.


The Chemist’s name was Waldo Tenorson as we know, because his next words made him famous.


“Now we have a chance, a real chance of survival. Now we have Hope”.


We remember, because at that point in Human History, the chances of human survival seemed very bleak.


I say something like this every Sunday when my flock convenes at my church high atop of the mountain. Its design also attracts lighting, but not as much as the alien design. However, it collects enough power to max out the batteries in order to heat the church in winter, and cool it off in summer.


Being inside the church during a thunderstorm can be scary. It’s so noisy that people have wear ear protection, but it’s a popular spot to meditate all the same.


“The aliens, did NOT solve all the world’s problems”, I remind them.


“In fact, besides the Lightning Strike Collectors, they didn’t help us at all. We humans, sensing it was a time to join forces did all that had become the norm today”.


“You see, almost no racism, or sexism exists. People of various religious sects no longer fight each other, but instead take on challenges together. It is now more common than ever for people to see through their petty differences that formerly divided them”.


“World wars. We don’t see world wars. The last war killed over 600,000 people. But that’s a low figure in comparison. Wars killed millions before. In fact, they cost so much that they were responsible for the bankruptcy of many nation states. Though we still have war, it’s not like it used to be”.


“I still contend that the ancients predicted this through the Holy Bible, and other religious texts, this very event”.


“The day the aliens came. To me, it was the second coming of Christ. An intelligent being did come down from the heavens to join us all. To look beyond our world of Hate, violence, prejudice”.


“Then why did they leave”, someone shouted out? “Things are getting worse. They should have stayed to stop what’s going on”, he cried out desperately.


I’ve been asked this before, and so I had a prepared answer,


“Since the beginning of time, the intelligent life-force that guided us has always forced us to make our own choices. Besides the lightning generator, the aliens during the second coming only created a fear that brought humanity together”.


The man shouted back,

“The last war killed 600,000 people. If they would have stayed and watched over us, that wouldn’t have happened”.


I sighed. Explaining how that war was a matter of personal choice and how people decide to respond to the challenges around them was quite a difficult task, and I felt I was getting too old to do anything more than try and reassure them.


“If an alien species can come across the heavens from hundreds of light years away, then maybe they can also be monitoring us this very moment. Maybe they know more than you think. But irregardless, it’s up to us to stop the wars just as we did before when the aliens were here. If we had done that, then those 600,000 people would not have died for nothing”.


I took my seat singling my subordinate to take over while I rested for awhile.


My thoughts were too jumbled, and I didn’t know where to begin.


In the beginning, there was a message from God that was misunderstood. In his first divinity, he came in human form. Most understood, but not all, and for thousands of years mankind stumbled, not understanding his very simple message of love and faith. During the second coming, the same message was repeated, but as memory fades, so does the understanding of the message.


How to make these people understand, I did not understand.




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