Archive for the ‘Aquarian Gospel Reflections’ Category

Yes, it can be a heady  Christian Testament word for some. It is a gospel story of Jesus ascending a mount with his three closest friends, and being brilliantly illuminated through is deep connection with the Holy. Think of the image though, an ascent, a lifetime leading up to that point that included being raised working to poor class under Roman occupation in a town, where everyone knew that he was not Joseph’s son, and that his mother should have been cast out side the town limits or stoned to death, as he grew and re-connected with his cousin and baptized, but also spent time in the wilderness wrestling with traumas, insecurities, demons, spiritual matters, and overcoming the adversary within and without to focus on the journey ahead. One that would so upset the apple cart of societies functioning that political and religious enemies would conspire together to silence him through execution. The story of Lent to Good Friday in a snap shot. Yet, he continued his journey.

It is rather unique for our spirituals selves that the physical distancing of the Covid-19 pandemic comes to us during Lent, as we move towards Easter and Eastertide (and No, I do not believe like US President Trump that is when this should cease, life is too precious). The intent of the season’s is what I write of. The journey of transfiguration, connecting to our true being, both individually, and interdependently as a community–whether local or global.

This is the journey of change. We see glimmers of hope in this change. Calgary had started to use hotels/motels as housing for our neighbours experiencing homelessness, federally we are having real conversations around guaranteed basic incomes (and Scotland took the plunge); Ireland is showing the way in reclaiming public health from private hands at this time. Whether we acknowledge these concepts as Christian or not, is irrelevant, it is the journey of love of self and neighbour over things such as greed that is the driving force. Hope. Where do you see the glimmers of hope in your world?

In this journey though, we are seeing what happens in the stalling out of letting go of the old, and letting the new come to be able to move into prototyping as the U Theory tells us. I would say they are still those trapped in the Kubler-Ross grief spiral in the denial and anger, and that is harming as a whole, but also expected for change is scary, and the anger/denial is driven by fear of the unknown. Sadly, high death rates in pandemics and the status quo are what is known and one would rather stick to– that add to the uncertainty of the time, and leap into the unknown, and let come what may. Though we are at a tipping point for the change I would say into the prototyping of what will emerge out of this temporary new normal.

See the source imageA book, that came into my mailbox as this started was a journalist turned minister, Ellen Debenport (2015), from the Unity movement, Hell in the Hallway, Light at the Doorway. It is a new metaphor of change, whether one is moving through economic, health, mental health, relationship, spiritual, all of the above or maybe others than mentioned. It may imply trauma recovery (from PTSD to Post Traumatic Growth as researchers are discovering, and I am living). It is sharing that in the journey, much like what I started with in the journey to the mount for Brother Jesus’ transfiguration, there is a hallway. It may be short or long, the door may lead us to a different hallway…though it is our willingness to journey in the hallway, to interact, become aware, and have an impact.

The other challenge laid out though is to also have a complete willingness not to accept the hallway as our new normal, but rather keep it temporary, and when the intrinsic Cosmic Christ leads us through the right door way, to be open and ready to enter into the new normal fully. Not to hold back due to our own denials, anxieties and fears. That is our story as community now, are we ready to be present in the current hallway, or if we haven’t already to step into the temporary hallway, to journey through, and and fully embrace the better that can happen.

That is do not yearn for what we stepped away from, but prepare for a better world where what is good from this time, the compassion, empathy, neighbourliness, kindness are held close as ideals and values. These are my prayers as I contemplate, celebrate, weep, feel my full emotions…and am apprehensive for my loved ones.

That glimmer of hope. The ascent of the mountain to the full transfiguration. The moving from death of the old, to the beautiful resurrection of hope, love, faith, peace and joy to come. Not as fixed calendar dates, but as moments, fixed in time and history, to a new world as we navigate the hallway and prepare to throw open the door to a brilliant new day.

Are you ready to open up the light once again?

In the journey of the Magi is the metaphor of gifts (gold, frankincense and myrrh) that of the things needed for new life, and to honour the life lived at the end. But there is also the story of the journey from the East to the creche. Ancient wisdom for a modern world, or as my Bible College profs would spout on about—post-modernity.

For today, I simply bring a gift of a piece of my journey. Our journey of exploration with the Universal Church of the Master Alberta’s book study of the Aquarian Gospel. A new age imagining of the Jesus story from nativity through childhood-young adulthood-ministry-lynching-resurrection. It shows the influence of the spirituality of the world upon the growing Brother Jesus. There are moments you can see shamanic traditions, earth-pagan teachings, Eastern Philosophies, the Chakras, Judaic teachings, and the convalescing together into the gospel proclamation that would inevitably lead to Brother Jesus being executed by the oppressive powers. Yet the Cosmic Christ birthed out of that instance that continues to breathe new life. So below is a link to the text, and one to some reflections of my own:

Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ

My own Aquarian reflections

Now I did say there was no looking back, and this not looking back, for January 9, 2018 the group continues in its discovery of teachings from our neighbours by exploring the Qu’ran.  So watch for those reflections to come.

What will you choose to learn from your neighbour today?

The journey has been completed, with a new one to start in 2018. That is the book journey through Levi’s Aquarian Gospel. Section XXI brought closure to the circle of the journey of Brother Jesus, and laying out what is known in sacred teachings from time immemorial (and even some science). It is a new age text of universalism, that I encourage group exploration of the work to see connections, and how similar we truly are as people. It also speaks to the idea of metaphysics, which for those who may not know is the simple study of being (our next sacred text study will explore the Qu’ran beginning in 2018).

Many good conversations came out of the discussion, but one piece of text struck me. It is a tie back by the writer to the foundation myths of Genesis 1-11. Yes, they are myths, not because they are false or fiction, but foundation meta-narratives that share the why of existence (how is and should be left to science, but the why discourse begins and continues with our foundation and trans-formative myths). Within these myths is the story of Noah’s Ark. It is the story of world wide destruction. Yet after this event a rainbow of promise is placed in the air as the new creation starts.

Through the original sin lens the event is punishment. From original blessing, it can be seen as something more. It is the transformation of life that happens within each one of us. That transformation of adolescence to young adulthood. Think of the changes that happen within your life as you move out of grade school into the world, whether it be post-secondary or work. Relationships that end, relationships that begin. Things that are seen for what they truly are warts and all.

Yet amid what be chaos and catastrophic world destruction, here is a blessing in the sky. A rainbow, a promise that life is not wiped out without love and love to come. The transformation of life. Here is how the Aquarian Gospel ties in:

  1. Brought immortality to light and painted on the walls of time a rainbow for the sons of men; and what I did all men shall do.

Chapter 176:14

For me it resonated with the line in the Apostle’s Creed of Jesus descending to the dead. Other early church writings point out this is a razing/releasing of the souls in hell. Yet hell for the early community was not what Dante or Milton would have the “enlightenment era” Christian believe it was as a place of torture. There was two-fold ways to be looked at:

  • The Gethsemane garbage where lost and “unclean” folks were discarded to. Could it be stating that a final place of inclusion is created and they were welcomed into belonging.
  • Metaphysically, the idea of Greco-Roman Hades was a storehouse of souls that stopped life after death from happening or in Ancient Hebrew Sheol, literally a warehouse. So the razing was the release of souls to new life, new energy, renewal. Something to hope for beyond the veil of death.

Both tie nicely into what Brother Jesus spoke of in the canonical Gospel of Mark 1:15:

“The time promised by God has come at last!” he announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!”

(English Standard Version)

The unity of the holy breath (spark) breathed into us at creation. The Cosmic Christ/divinity that ties us into the Holy Mystery. It is the divine source of love within that when we acknowledge and live into it, we truly love the creator and then our self and our neighbour. The Shema, the Greatest Commandments.

The cascade of transformational love.

Beautiful unity in diversity reflected as light beyond darkness as a promise bow in the sky.

As the Kingdom being here and near.

The end of segregation by labels. The end of casting aside the neighbour. The understanding all are loved.

Whether physically or metaphysically. It is not a false dichotomy, or the false arguments of either-or. Rather it is the Holy Mystery literally showing us that it is both-and. We are not separately spirit and flesh, but rather blessedly both. The life and teachings of Brother Jesus laid the path for a just society, because it showed the blessings of the flesh and spirit as holistically one.

Look upon the rainbow and know one simple thing about the Holy Mystery when lived out is four simple letters:


And simply ask yourself, will you live into and out of that love today.


End Notes-Apostle Creed Text:



Remorse. Making the best decision one can in the instant whether it was the best of the worst or best of the best. A comic writer once said, the Joker and Lex Luthor are such great villains not because they are villains, but in their own story they are the heroes.

Tonight, was the second last book discussion group on Levi’s Aquarian Gospel. It is a great reinterpretation of the story of Brother Jesus, as many who have worked through previous reflections/spiritual practices that it has brought up. Tonight, it was noted how possible Gnostic texts and/or deutero-canonical Hebrew Bible texts may have fleshed out some teachings and scenes.

Yet we come down to a character that is either completely played as an ubiquitous devil of the disciples, the kind of lecherous thief: Judas Iscariot. Pre-destination belief may lay out that he was meant to betray Jesus known as the Christ for the full glory to unfold. Others could argue free will making a choice based on a bad moral base and this jealousy/feeling of emasculation that led to betrayal?

Or was it the story of a man who was trying to make the messiah-teacher he followed, fit the messiah he was raised to be to over throw the oppressors that treated the peasants as at best play things, as at worst possessions of disbarment.

This was a passage that made us go Hmmm:

Aquarian Gospel:

Chapter 169

Judas is filled with remorse. Hurries to the temple and throws the thirty pieces of silver at the feet of the priests who take it and buy a potter’s field. Judas hangs himself. His body is buried in the potter’s field.

1. Now, Judas who betrayed his Lord, was with the mob; but all the time he thought that Jesus would assert his power and demonstrate the strength of God that he possessed, and strike to earth the fiendish multitudes and free himself;
2. But when he saw his master on the ground and bleeding from a score of wounds, he said,
3. O God, what have I done? I have betrayed the son of God; the curse of God will rest upon my soul.
4. And then he turned and ran with haste until he reached the temple door; he found the priests, who gave to him the thirty silver pieces to betray the Lord, and said,
5. Take back your bribe; it is the cost price of my soul; I have betrayed the son of God.
6. The priests replied, That matters not to us.
7. Then Judas threw the silver on the floor, and, bowed with grief, he went away, and on a ledge beyond the city’s walls he hanged himself and died.
8. In time the fastenings gave way, his body fell into the Hinnon vale and after many days they found it there a shapeless mass.
9. The rulers could not put the price of blood into the treasury, and so they took the thirty silver pieces with which they bought a potter’s field,
10. Where they might bury those who had no rights to lie within their sacred grounds.
11. And there they put the body of the man who sold his Lord.

In the journey of understanding our own depths, take time to pause, and reflect on this passage of Judas, and these from the Canonical Gospels (those within the Christian Testament as set by Constantine, and affirmed again by the Principalities at Reformation): Matthew 26:14-16; 27:1-10; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 13.

The Spiritual Practice:

Begin to understand yourself. Write the story of Judas Iscariot from a first-person narrative. Complete free-fall (this was a style of W.O. Mitchell, it means keep the pen moving on paper, do not let it stop for at least 15 minutes).

Reflect on the story of Judas that emerged through your own reflective heart.

Who is Judas in your gospel?

What new resonates in understanding the journey with Brother Jesus?


Why can’t there be a big red button?

-War Doctor

           Like any good science fiction questions around the essence of us (humanity) should be brought forward. This is at the bedrock of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary movie (watch trailer here), Day of the Doctor.  It is the deepest plunging into the hardest thing to  comprehend for any person… ourselves.

As the regeneration who chose themselves undeserving of the name, but asks the question as in the clips above, the Warrior Doctor, “I am looking for the Doctor.” The one who is called to heal, to help to aid…or as Clara will note the thrum of the Tardis is a sound of hope. But this is about that corner of the mind of the Doctor, no, the heart where hope has gone out.

For it was in the 9th regeneration that the fabled time war happened. When Daleks and Time Lords went to war to end all wars. Where the rest of the universes saw the Time Lords just as evil as the Daleks who view anything outside their race as need to be exterminated, which this mini-episode Night of the Doctor expertly portrays as the Doctor must make a choice to not be apart of the war or to be apart of the solution?

The haunting begins.

Much like we make choices within our own lives at any given moment with the information available. Whether it is good, bad, horrible or indifferent. It is what is possible and probably for us at that moment. Much like moments in human history (very hard to bring 21st century morals onto situation 400 years old or 150 years old as we try to erase instead of critically teach history so the cycle can be fully broken. Just ask any abuse survivor, the story and triumph need to be spoken so that it will not be repeated, in all its darkness).

This literally becomes the story. As the device designed to end the Time War by the Doctor is AI with a conscience and brings the Doctor to begin interacting with his decision. The decision? At that moment and time in war as the Daleks are all gathered at Gallifrey—to end it all, Daleks and his people. The haunting ripples this will bring through time.

The decision driven by the motto burned into a wall by him “No More.” The war must end.

The journey forward form that choice showing the grief cycle. The short regeneration shortly after not even there. The true shock.

But the struggle between who are known as the Tenth (David Tenant) and Eleventh (Matt Smith) Doctor’s to forget this period in time. How it shapers personality. One who lives in pained regret and the other who lives to forget, to move forward.

The haunting question answered by 2.41 billion.

But with the Eleventh Doctor being 400 years out…is there another decision that can be seen?

What if that decision can be tried?

What if in your moment of darkness your future selves could stand with you and you would not have to be alone?

What if, you live in acceptance of the choice and find hope in spite of it to move forward in a better life for yourself and others?

This may seem like nothing more than a toss away sci-fi movie from the BBC. Apart of geek culture and nothing more.

Yet we live in a time of reconciliation.

A time when groups who have been oppressed and the former oppressors know that something needs to change.

But how do we get there?

Sometimes a science fiction story can show us the interior and exterior journey in a way that creates conversations that can create the space for critical discussion and active listening, that other venues cannot.

Just think of using this in a religious or political or classroom setting with the Time War as the metaphor for residential schools, Canadian Eugenic practices for those with disabilities, the destructive LGBTTQ2+ laws; the dying with dignity or abortion laws; slavery, the list can go on…

For what questions would haunt our journey where the answer 2.41 billion could just be as haunting.

But even more so.

What is the new life?

What is the regeneration that awaits each one of us?

Where does hope exist?

Do you hear the thrum of the TARDIS? Or are you blocking it out?


This past week’s of reflections from the Aquarian Gospel have wound around a similar theme of faith in action. That is actually living out that which we profess to live inwardly. In Franciscan Charism it is the sacred practice of open hand, knowing that which we are given is not ours, but we are stewards for a time until the true purpose comes to fruition.

This Facebook meme I posted three years ago screamed this, and came to mind as I re-read Levi’s re-imagining of these teachings have remained true to the way presented in Canonical Gospels found in the Aquarian Gospel 142 It is the wealthy asking what more they must do than follow rules and profess creeds. To which Jesus aptly replies:

22. The young man asked, To which commands did he refer?
23. And Jesus said, You shall not kill; you shall not steal; you shall not do adulterous things; you shall not falsely testify;
24. and you shall love your God with all your heart, and you shall love your neighbour as yourself.
25. The man replied, These things I have observed from youth; what lack I yet?
26. And Jesus said, One thing you lack; your heart is fixed on things of earth; you are not free.
27. Go forth and sell all that you have, and give your money to the poor, and come follow me, and you shall have eternal life.
28. The man was grieved at what the master said; for he was rich; he hid his face and went in sorrow on his way.
29. And Jesus looked upon the sorrowing man and said, It is so hard for men with hoarded wealth to enter through the door into the kingdom of the soul.

-Aquarian Gospel 142:22-29

The wealth wasn’t the challenge for being in unity. Look at the word: HOARD. That is keeping things beyond logic and reason, beyond usefulness simply for having. That is what wealth had become, something that must be so held on to it could no longer be used for its intended purpose.

Saint Paul writes to Timothy as tradition teaches:

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

-1 Timothy 6:10 (New Living Translation)

So then what is the purpose of wealth?

To spend, to help, to grow, to live, to build—



So this ruler was unwilling to let that which held his soul in EGO to be released so he could finally have freedom and understand what are tools, and what is unity. He had made his tools his Holy Mystery, and for that he was truly drowning in this life.

Are we ready to rediscover what is the true rhythm of life?

Where do we travel?

Are we the Rich Man or are we Lazarus?

35. A rich man lived in splendid state; he wore the finest garments men could make; his boards were loaded with the costliest viands of the land.
36. A beggar, blind and lame, whose name was Lazarus, was wont to sit beside the waste gate of this home that he might share with dogs the refuse from the rich man’s board.
37. It came to pass that Lazarus died, and angels carried him away unto the bosom of our father Abraham.
38. The rich man also died, and he was buried in a costly tomb; but in the purifying fires he opened up his eyes dissatisfied.
39. He looked and saw the beggar resting peacefully in the bosom of his father Abraham, and in the bitterness of his soul he cried,
40. My father Abraham, look down in mercy on your son; I am tormented in these flames.
41. Send Lazarus, I beseech, that he may give me just a sup of water to cool my parched tongue.
42. But Abraham replied, My son, in mortal life, you had the best things of the earth and Lazarus had the worst, and you would not give him a cup of water there, but drove him from your door.
43. The law must be fulfilled, and Lazarus now is comforted, and you are paying what you owe.
44. Besides, there is a great gulf fixed between your zone and us, and if I would I could not send Lazarus to you, and you cannot come up to us till you have paid your debts.
45. Again the man in anguish said, O father Abraham, I pray, send Lazarus back to earth, and to my father’s house, that he may tell my brothers who are yet in life, for I have five of them, about the horrors of this place, lest they come down to me and not to you.
46. And Abraham replied, They have the words of Moses and the seers, let them hear them.
47. The man replied, They will not hearken to the written word; bit if a man would go up from the grave they might believe.
48. But Abraham replied, If they hear not the words of Moses and the seers they would not be persuaded even though one from the dead stood in their midst.

-Aquarian Gospel 142:35-48

St. Francis of Assisi has been derided as non-scholarly for many a century, in comparison to other monastic movements ala Jesuits that focused more on scholarship. But what Francis taught was that each gospel story need not be only understood, but internalized, and then externally lived out through almost muscle memory before moving onto the next. For he knew the story is more than the words spoken or on the page. The story is life. And life lived is how we connect-unify with the Holy, and nieghbour, as the Shema tells us through Love that resonates from self.

So where does this lead us? You? Me?

To simply answer a question, what does it mean to internalize and externalize this story for us, here and now?

Are we ready for such a leap from page to life?


mustard seed

  1. And Jesus spoke a parable; he said, The kingdom of the Christ is like a little seed that one put in the ground;
    39. It grew and after many years became a mighty tree, and many people rested in its shade, and birds built nests and reared their young among its leafy boughs.

Aquarian Gospel 140:38-39

You can read the rest of chapter 140 that leads up to this parable, but it is safe to say the journey we have been on in this social gospel series has reached a zenith or a climax for the literary about. The rising action in this short length of Jesus-story has achieved to this parable just in case the preceding 140 chapters were not clear enough on the world that is possible.

That is what this is about. A little idea, a little dream, one little thing planted within the Holy Mystery—within us—and watch it bloom. Want to know something else that happens out of the original blessing we are created and called into/out of???

The tree that provides for all, welcomes all exactly where they are and who they are. It provides not just a space for existence but belonging, growth and thriving into who they are and are meant to be and become.


The space to rest is the beginning.

For when you can pause enough in the rat race of survival. One can then have time to dream a dream. Baptist Pastor,  CCF Premier of Saskatchewan, and Greatest Canadian Tommy Douglas would remind us “dream no little dreams” for any dream in the fertile soil of the love (cosmic dust) we are bound through…creates new reality, new life and like the tree that springs from the smallest tree— H-O-M-E.

What a wonderful outcome of our original blessing when creation was given to us to explore.

So what is your little seed?

What soil will you plant it in?

Welcome back to the journey of being an outcast to cast out. The Aquarian Gospel chapter 139 flows out of the previous 138, and is the continued journey of discovery for the man who has been cast out, but found belonging in a new community. Now to seek further understanding of the choice made.

You have spent time writing and reflecting on your story in the now, and like the man making the tough decision to step into the story of you that is meant to be.

It becomes a time for Holy Reading for your journey. Take time to centre yourself in a comfortable place for contemplative prayer/meditation. You will be visiting the story three times in this sitting, with each visit having a question of focus for deeper contemplation.

As you centre yourself, bringing your breath deeply, and exhaling deeply.

Feel the room around you begin to fade away.

Feel the room of the 21st century become replaced by the dusty upper room. There are many men and women clamouring, eating, laughing around you. Smells of the ancient city, you are bid welcomed by this labourer turned teacher many talk about—some as sinner or devil others as the way.

Receive the offered food of simple bread, grapes and wine.

Rest on the cushions as you begin to take it all in. The journey to wholeness is in full swing.

Hear the story for the first time. On this visit, what memories are evoked for you? Which one brings the most visceral reaction in your being? Stay with this memory for a time to see what comes through for your journey in the now?

The first visit:

Jesus meets and instructs the man who was blind. Unfold the mysteries of the kingdom. The sheepfold. Declares himself the shepherd. Goes to the home of Massalian, where he abides certain days.

1. When Jesus heard what had been done and how the priests had cast the man whom he had healed, out of the synagogue he found the man and said to him,
2. Do you believe in God and in the son of God?
3. The man replied, I do believe in God; but who is he, the son of God, of whom you speak?
4. And Jesus said, The son of God is he who speaks to you.
5. The man inquired then, Why do you say, The son of God? Is there but one?
6. And Jesus said, All men are sons of God by birth; God is the Father of the race; but all are not the sons of God by faith.
7. He who attains the victory over self is son of God by faith, and he who speaks to you has overcome, and he is called son of God, because he is the pattern for the sons of men.
8. He who believes and does the will of God is son of God by faith.
9. The man in joy exclaimed, Lord, I believe in God, and in the son of God.
10. And Jesus said, I came to open prison doors, to make the blind to see; but, lo, the Pharisees are blind from birth.
11. And when I put the salve of truth upon their eyes, and bid them go and wash, and speak the sacred Word they will not go; they love the dark.
12. A multitude of people pressed about the Lord, and he stood forth and said,
13. You men of Israel, I say to you, The fold of God is large; its walls are strong, it has a gateway in the east, and he who does not enter by the gate into the fold, but climbs into the fold some other way, is thief and comes to rob.
14. The shepherd of the sheep stands by the gate; he gives the secret sign; he knocks; the watchman opens up the gate.
15. And then the shepherd calls his sheep by name; they hear his voice and follow him; they enter through the gate into the fold.
16. The sheep know not a stranger’s voice; they will not follow him; they flee away.
17. The people did not understand the parable that Jesus spoke; and then he said,
18. Christ is the gateway of the fold; I am the shepherd of the sheep, and he who follows me through Christ shall come into the fold where living waters flow, and where rich pastures are.
19. False prophets come and go; they claim to be the shepherds of the sheep; they claim to know the way; but they know not the word of power; the watchman opens not the gate; the sheep heed not their call.
20. The shepherd of the sheep will give his life to save the sheep.
21. A hireling flees to save his life when wolves infest the fold; and then the tender lambs are snatched away, the sheep are scattered everywhere.
22. I am the shepherd of the sheep; I know the sheep of God; they know my voice, as God knows me and I know him.
23. The Father loves me with a deathless love, because I lay my life down for the sheep.
24. I lay my life down when I will, but I may take it up again; for every son of God by faith has power to lay his mortal flesh aside and take it up again. These words I have received from God.
25. Again the people strove among themselves; they were divided in their views concerning Christ. They could not comprehend the words that Jesus spoke.
26. Some said again, He is obsessed, or he is mad; why listen to his words?
27. And others said, His words are not the words of one obsessed. Can unclean spirits open up the eyes of one born blind?
28. Then Jesus left Jerusalem and with Massalian he tarried certain days.

-Aquarian Gospel 139:1-28

As you prepare your heart for the second visit into the story. It is time to centre on the emotions that bubble out as you are taught directly at this time of transition/transfiguration by Brother Jesus.

Spend time living into that emotion and how the Holy Mystery within can resolve it by illuminating the truth of you.

The second visit:


  1. When Jesus heard what had been done and how the priests had cast the man whom he had healed, out of the synagogue he found the man and said to him,
    2. Do you believe in God and in the son of God?
    3. The man replied, I do believe in God; but who is he, the son of God, of whom you speak?
    4. And Jesus said, The son of God is he who speaks to you.
    5. The man inquired then, Why do you say, The son of God? Is there but one?
    6. And Jesus said, All men are sons of God by birth; God is the Father of the race; but all are not the sons of God by faith.
    7. He who attains the victory over self is son of God by faith, and he who speaks to you has overcome, and he is called son of God, because he is the pattern for the sons of men.
    8. He who believes and does the will of God is son of God by faith.
    9. The man in joy exclaimed, Lord, I believe in God, and in the son of God.
    10. And Jesus said, I came to open prison doors, to make the blind to see; but, lo, the Pharisees are blind from birth.
    11. And when I put the salve of truth upon their eyes, and bid them go and wash, and speak the sacred Word they will not go; they love the dark.
    12. A multitude of people pressed about the Lord, and he stood forth and said,
    13. You men of Israel, I say to you, The fold of God is large; its walls are strong, it has a gateway in the east, and he who does not enter by the gate into the fold, but climbs into the fold some other way, is thief and comes to rob.
    14. The shepherd of the sheep stands by the gate; he gives the secret sign; he knocks; the watchman opens up the gate.
    15. And then the shepherd calls his sheep by name; they hear his voice and follow him; they enter through the gate into the fold.
    16. The sheep know not a stranger’s voice; they will not follow him; they flee away.
    17. The people did not understand the parable that Jesus spoke; and then he said,
    18. Christ is the gateway of the fold; I am the shepherd of the sheep, and he who follows me through Christ shall come into the fold where living waters flow, and where rich pastures are.
    19. False prophets come and go; they claim to be the shepherds of the sheep; they claim to know the way; but they know not the word of power; the watchman opens not the gate; the sheep heed not their call.
    20. The shepherd of the sheep will give his life to save the sheep.
    21. A hireling flees to save his life when wolves infest the fold; and then the tender lambs are snatched away, the sheep are scattered everywhere.
    22. I am the shepherd of the sheep; I know the sheep of God; they know my voice, as God knows me and I know him.
    23. The Father loves me with a deathless love, because I lay my life down for the sheep.
    24. I lay my life down when I will, but I may take it up again; for every son of God by faith has power to lay his mortal flesh aside and take it up again. These words I have received from God.
    25. Again the people strove among themselves; they were divided in their views concerning Christ. They could not comprehend the words that Jesus spoke.
    26. Some said again, He is obsessed, or he is mad; why listen to his words?
    27. And others said, His words are not the words of one obsessed. Can unclean spirits open up the eyes of one born blind?
    28. Then Jesus left Jerusalem and with Massalian he tarried certain days.

-Aquarian Gospel 139:1-28

The final visit, spend time listening directly into the attunement of your heart and life vocation truly called into. Take time to sketch out the image that comes through clearly that reflects this vocation for you.

The Third visit:

  1. When Jesus heard what had been done and how the priests had cast the man whom he had healed, out of the synagogue he found the man and said to him,
    2. Do you believe in God and in the son of God?
    3. The man replied, I do believe in God; but who is he, the son of God, of whom you speak?
    4. And Jesus said, The son of God is he who speaks to you.
    5. The man inquired then, Why do you say, The son of God? Is there but one?
    6. And Jesus said, All men are sons of God by birth; God is the Father of the race; but all are not the sons of God by faith.
    7. He who attains the victory over self is son of God by faith, and he who speaks to you has overcome, and he is called son of God, because he is the pattern for the sons of men.
    8. He who believes and does the will of God is son of God by faith.
    9. The man in joy exclaimed, Lord, I believe in God, and in the son of God.
    10. And Jesus said, I came to open prison doors, to make the blind to see; but, lo, the Pharisees are blind from birth.
    11. And when I put the salve of truth upon their eyes, and bid them go and wash, and speak the sacred Word they will not go; they love the dark.
    12. A multitude of people pressed about the Lord, and he stood forth and said,
    13. You men of Israel, I say to you, The fold of God is large; its walls are strong, it has a gateway in the east, and he who does not enter by the gate into the fold, but climbs into the fold some other way, is thief and comes to rob.
    14. The shepherd of the sheep stands by the gate; he gives the secret sign; he knocks; the watchman opens up the gate.
    15. And then the shepherd calls his sheep by name; they hear his voice and follow him; they enter through the gate into the fold.
    16. The sheep know not a stranger’s voice; they will not follow him; they flee away.
    17. The people did not understand the parable that Jesus spoke; and then he said,
    18. Christ is the gateway of the fold; I am the shepherd of the sheep, and he who follows me through Christ shall come into the fold where living waters flow, and where rich pastures are.
    19. False prophets come and go; they claim to be the shepherds of the sheep; they claim to know the way; but they know not the word of power; the watchman opens not the gate; the sheep heed not their call.
    20. The shepherd of the sheep will give his life to save the sheep.
    21. A hireling flees to save his life when wolves infest the fold; and then the tender lambs are snatched away, the sheep are scattered everywhere.
    22. I am the shepherd of the sheep; I know the sheep of God; they know my voice, as God knows me and I know him.
    23. The Father loves me with a deathless love, because I lay my life down for the sheep.
    24. I lay my life down when I will, but I may take it up again; for every son of God by faith has power to lay his mortal flesh aside and take it up again. These words I have received from God.
    25. Again the people strove among themselves; they were divided in their views concerning Christ. They could not comprehend the words that Jesus spoke.
    26. Some said again, He is obsessed, or he is mad; why listen to his words?
    27. And others said, His words are not the words of one obsessed. Can unclean spirits open up the eyes of one born blind?
    28. Then Jesus left Jerusalem and with Massalian he tarried certain days.

-Aquarian Gospel 139:1-28

As you complete sketching the image re-enter your meditative breathing. Allow the cushion to vanish, the noise of the upper room, know the Cosmic Christ within Brother Jesus exists within yourself as the ancient world fades away and your contemplative space now reforms.

Bring yourself when you are ready to a focus on the image sketched.

Sit in a meditative contemplation of this image.

Let your breath become more regular.

When ready re-open your eyes.

Spend time each day looking at the image.

But today…

What is one step you can take this week to make this image more of a reality in your life?

—The social gospel is about transfiguring the world into the true heart of the Holy Mystery—that transfiguration begins with our own—

What blocks you in your false life from living truly free and within/through the Holy Mystery?

What holds you in the past, and not being able to step fully into the glory of the present?


Aquarian Gospel chapter 138

Brother Jesus discourses on ancient laws that were designed to limit harm to others. To bring more a balance to a situation of reprisal (eye for and eye, instead of massacring your whole tribe for the loss of my eye). It was pointing to the pain that existed within or that selfishness that holds one in blindness of what truly can happen in your life. This story uses an existence that the ancient world could understand to show this juxtaposition. A blind man.

What is the blindness you exist in today? It is not a physical impediment. Are you in the wrong job? The wrong life? Can you not connect to that holy work (vocation) that fills you up? The soul flow that energizes you and aids you in being deeply rooted into the cosmic dust we are formed from?

This is the story of blindness.  The blindness kept the man out of true community, for he was isolated. In the 21st century our isolation is created through giving ourselves fully into the wrong work, the wrong life, the selfishness we mistake for holy love, that is true self hatred and destructive.

As this story unfolds, it shows that this is where the unjust, the oppressors, those that seek power and control over others want us to exist in.  Just look to the Pharisees response, not seeing the celebration of a holy family member becoming whole. Rather it is to challenge that it can’t be holy because it happened contrary to the control mechanisms, it happened on a day of rest. But whomever stated that the work of loving neighbour as self, was the work we are to rest from on the Sabbath?

The man’s own parents even though celebratory, bowed to the oppressors and lived into the injustice towards their son out of fear of being cast out themselves. But the man stood his ground, even though now whole, awakened, he was still once more cast out because he shook the foundation of the oppression (perhaps the first Marxist calling out the cabal creating the opiates of the masses?).

Move into this story yourself. Each of us have had moments of needing to willingly or being forced out of those situations where we need to make the moral over money or belonging or safety choice. Where we needed to walk in the Holy Mystery and trust blindly. For let’s be honest, the Holy Mystery is well, a mystery that is meant to be lived.

Take time to centre yourself with a candle or light imaging prayer. Feel your body relax before you come back to the words of the text with a fresh heart.

The Christines in Jerusalem. They meet a man blind from birth. Jesus teaches a lesson on the cause of disease and disasters. He heals the blind man.

1. The Lord with Peter, James and John were in Jerusalem; it was the Sabbath day.
2. And as they walked along the way they saw a man who could not see; he had been blind from birth.
3. And Peter said, Lord, if disease and imperfections all are caused by sin, who was the sinner in this case? the parents or the man himself?
4. And Jesus said, Afflictions all are partial payments on a debt, or debts, that have been made.
5. There is a law of recompense that never fails, and it is summarised in that true rule of life:
6. Whatsoever man shall do to any other man some other man will do to him.
7. In this we find the meaning of the Jewish law, expressed concisely in the words, Tooth for a tooth; life for a life.
8. He who shall injure any one in thought, or word, or deed, is judged a debtor to the law, and some one else shall, likewise, injure him in thought, or word or deed.
9. And he who shed the blood of any man will come upon the time when his blood shall be shed by man.
10. Affliction is a prison cell in which a man must stay until he pays his debts unless a master sets him free that he may have a better chance to pay his debts.
11. Affliction is a certain sign that one has debts to pay.
12. Behold this man! Once in another life he was a cruel man, and in a cruel way destroyed the eyes of one, a fellow man.
13. The parents of this man once turned their faces on a blind and helpless man, and drove him from their door.
14. Then Peter asked, Do we pay off the debts of other men when by the Word we heal them, drive the unclean spirits out, or rescue them from any form of sore distress?
15. And Jesus said, We cannot pay the debts of any man, but by the Word we may release a man from his afflictions and distress,
16. And make him free, that he may pay the debts he owes, by giving up his life in willing sacrifice for men, or other living things.
17. Behold, we may make free this man that he may better serve the race and pay his debts.
18. Then Jesus called the man and said, Would you be free? would you receive your sight?
19. The man replied, All that I have would I most freely give if I could see.
20. And Jesus took saliva and a bit of clay and make a salve, and put it on the blind man’s eyes.
21. He spoke the Word and then he said, Go to Siloam and wash, and as you wash say, Jahhevahe. This do for seven times and you shall see.
22. The man was led unto Siloam; he washed his eyes and spoke the word, and instantly his eyes were opened and he saw.
23. The people who had seen the man for many years sit by the way and beg, were much surprised to see him see.
24. They said, Is not this man the Job that was born blind, who sat beside the way and begged?
25. He heard them talk among themselves; he said, Yes I am he.
26. The people asked, How were you healed? who opened up your eyes?
27. He said, A man whom men call Jesus, made a salve of clay and put it on my eyes, and bade me say a word and wash in Siloam seven times; I did as he commanded me, and now I see.
28. A certain scribe was passing, and he saw the man and heard him say that Jesus, by the Word, had opened up his eyes.
29. He therefore took the man up to the synagogue, and told the story to the priests, who asked the man about the miracle.
30. The man replied, I never saw the light until to-day, for I was blind from birth.
31. This morning as I sat beside Siloam, a man I never knew put on my eyes a salve that people say he made of clay; he bade me say a word and bathe my eyes in water seven times; I did as he commanded and I saw.
32. A lawyer asked the man, Who was it opened up your eyes?
33. The man replied, Some people say, His name is Jesus and that he came from Galilee; but others say, He is the son of God.
34. A Pharisee came up and said, This is the Sabbath day; a man who does a work like this, regarding not the Sabbath day, is not from God.
35. Some of the priests were much amazed and said, A wicked man could never do a miracle like this; he must possess the power of God. And so they strove among themselves.
36. They asked the man, What do you think about this man from Galilee?
37. He said, He is a prophet sent from God.
38. Now, many of the Jews did not believe the man was blind from birth; they said, There is no power to open up the eyes of one born blind.
39. And then they brought the parents of the man before the Pharisees that they might testify.
40. They said, This is our son who was born blind; we do not know how he received his sight; he is of age and he can tell; ask him.
41. They were afraid to say what they believed, that Jesus is the Christ who came to manifest the power of God, lest they offend the priests and be cast from the synagogue.
42. Again the rulers said, This Jesus is a wicked man. The man who had been healed stood forth again and said,
43. This Jesus may be sinner or be saint, I do not know; but this one thing I know; I once was blind, but now I see.
44. And then the scribes and Pharisees reviled the man and said, You are a follower of this man from Galilee. We follow Moses, but this man, we know him not, and know not whence he is.
45. The man replied, It is a marvel that you know not whence he is, and yet he opened up my eyes.
46. You know that nothing but the power of God can do such things.
47. God hears not sinners pray, and you must know that he is not a wicked man who can employ the power of God.
48. The Pharisees replied, You wretch! you were begotten and were born in sin, and now you try to teach the law to us. And then they cast him from the synagogue.

-Aquarian Gospel 138

When ready, have your journal ready. Seek where the Holy Mystery is guiding you in life at this moment. Which role in the story speaks to your current situation?

  1. Peter/James/John
  2. Blind Man
  3. The parents
  4. The Pharisee

Take time to re-write the story from that point of view. Remember during the re-write to include insights and emotions as the character.

Spend time each day for about a week re-reading your story, asking where it is speaking into to your life now.

How does this ancient wisdom speak to your modern life?

Ready to step from story to life-story?


Faith without works is dead. That is one of those sentiments that can tend to stick with you. Traditionally it is from one of the most contested epistles within the Christian Testament. That of James, whom tradition teaches was a brother of Jesus of Nazareth, it also shows the matrilineal lineage of the early tribe as an ascent this quickly into leadership and teaching would be via Mother Mary of Nazareth, those whom was adopted by the Beloved Disciple (which is you read the Gospel of John through a mystic lens then it should be us inserted into each instance of the term being used, so it is us that opens our arms to the one society would turn out for being outside).

But I digress, for this does tie into the Aquarian Gospel readings, which seem to be more thematically clumped as the work progresses. Chapters 137-141 create an arc of teaching that would make James proud (and for those that have spent any real time in Marian theology and her call to the world of hope, justice and inclusion, as well).

Yet it starts in Chapter 137 with a teaching on prayer. Where Jesus lays out the Lord’s prayer, as Levi has imagined it into his era (there are many different versions one can find by simply googling, the one’s from the Indigenous perspective are quite good). Yet it is pared with a parable of a wife in need for caring for the traveler:

A housewife was alone at night and, lo, some guests arrived, and they were hungry, having had no food for all the day.
11. The housewife had no bread, and so at midnight she went forth and called a friend and said, Loan me three loaves of bread, for guests have come, and I have naught for them to eat.
12. The friend replied, Why do you trouble me at midnight hour? My door is shut; my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise to give you bread; to-morrow you can be supplied.
13. The housewife asked again, and then again, and then because she pled, and would not be refused, the friend arose and gave her bread.
14. Behold, I say to you, Ask firmly and you shall receive; seek trustingly and you shall find; knock earnestly, the door will open up.

It is much like the petitioning when the masses were hungry, and one step forwarded, a child (again someone without voice in the world) to show the way. From that miracles happened, perhaps it was like this where those who had but were unwilling simply became willing. It is how our world truly runs, we are an interdependent species and as such we need to care for one another to make this world work.

Some would call it justice, some a social contract, some a social gospel or a liberation gospel But what 137 does is line it up that it begins with prayer, and then prayer/meditation leads to action, and action leads to compassion which leads to loving our neighbour as ourselves.

Or truly living into this from the Gospel of Matthew:

Matthew 25 (3)

To Be Continued as we reflect on Chapter 138
