Posts Tagged ‘After the shot’

Many were calling for Bobbi’s head. Canada does not have a death penalty, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t raised many times in regards to gun crimes. It was hard to progress with charges when the victim was non-co-operative, he asked for the possibility with the Crown Prosecutor for a house arrest style situation at St. Jude’s that would allow Bobbi to complete school, and work off compensation as a janitor.

Jacobs pressed the button to raise his bed up so he could look out the window with his one good eye.  He watched the armoured figured fly across. Grinned slightly. The bullet had shattered his left eye and knocked him on his butt. Bobbi had attempted to save him, who knew there would be a supernatural intervention so love could overcome hate. His fingers traced the eye patch, he could add pirate to his job list.

Fidgeting in the uncomfortable office chair was retired constable, Sean James. “Many thought you were a goner.”

Jacobs laughed. “Can’t be that morose and dark all the time, sometimes a new beginning means literally that.”

“She’s settling in well.” James said, while picking at a band aid on the back of his hand.

“But can we afford her?” Jacobs already new what his head Elder thought, finances was his concern. Lee never worried about those, he always stood by the flow method, if he created space for the need it would flow in. “Melanie Moon will be an excellent Co-Minister of St. Jude’s.” She had stood the line, the people trusted her. It made sense, and was a good transition from her work after the election of chaos and hate.

James just shook his head and grinned. If he wanted to be an elder at a church that was easy on the ulcer he would’ve joined a United one that y’know actually panicked about things as nickles and dimes in offering plates as opposed to jumping in head first. “Ashram has been bulldozed.” James said. “Break ground on the retired agent residence, will also have a side door working with the agency for any Supras and their spouses.” Jacobs nodded, a residence with on sight psychologists 7 days a week in their on-site medical clinic.  Surprisingly the idea had come from Beth Venus, who was now living in a room in the newly rebuild Manse of St. Jude. Having seen what happened to the old guard, she wanted something better. Since Speedster had left her the property, James worked with her to create the design.

“How’s Bobbi?” Jacobs asked. The boy had not come to see him since he had been loaded into the ambulance. He was worried for him.

James moved from the chair and walked towards the door, the other 3 beds in the room were still empty. He opened the door and stepped out. Jacobs heard some talking before walking back in with Bobbi. The lad locked eyes on Jacobs good eye.

“Father Jacobs I am soo—”

Jacobs interrupted. “Don’t apologize. You tried to save lives. You are working off your debt. I hold no debt or reason for forgiveness over you.” Jacobs waited a few beats as this boy looked stunned. Even after the few years at St. Jude’s, he was not used to compassion in response to what would appear against the grain. Or missing the mark.

“Bobbi, friends?”

Jacobs extends his hand to Bobbi. A shaking teenage hand takes the one with i.v. lines in the back of it.

One Enigmatic Tale Ends

Others await to be told.