Posts Tagged ‘Maundy Thursday’

I had intentions this Holy Week to do a daily post contemplating and exploring, but with the nature of a short academic week, but not a change in teaching/marking/prep schedules with not wanting to put in overtime as I do enjoy time with family…that did not happen.

On this Good Friday morning though, I do want to take a moment, to pause and remember Maundy Thursday (a new translation to read: It is the moment in time when Jesus gathers in the upper room, that tradition teaches was owned by John Mark’s parents’. John Mark being the Mark of the Gospel of Mark, most likely the scribe of St. Peter’s remembrances. Within the stories of the last night, I tend to lean into the story from the Gospel of John (the gospel that gives us the spiritual formation device of the unnamed beloved disciple that the hearer/reader is to see as us. It changes the dynamic of the liturgical practice of church, the idea of interpretation of entering into the text and what it means for us today.

This is my struggle with Passion Sunday, we truncate the story to two events, that doesn’t need to happen with technology, video or audio messages can be shared daily for the community to journey the week through even if not gathering. Most within the Last Supper will highlight two key things:

  1. Jesus’ acknowledgement of Judas’ betrayal- a wonderful sermon on Judas was an upside this past Sunday by Rev. Mannix, who Judas was and even within the scope of a villain what I was reminded of as a story teller, they see themselves as the hero. Here is Judas, someone who had lost so much to follow with Jesus, and the pressures mounted…
  2. Communion/Eucharist instituted. I know Jesus uses the language of body and blood. Allergoric or metaphorical depending on one’s philosophical leaning and story telling style. Some will see these aspects as nothing more than elements or symbolism, some hear and experience literal mystical transfiguration in the moment. I prefer the Via Media approach, that is I do not know what happens in the mystery of the meal, just as Jesus’ friends did not know, but something happens beyond simple bread and juice (I hold to a more universal table and glutten free, and juice creates that) though my metaphoric language for the mystery sacred, is what I first heard when I returned to church as an adult from Rev. Linda Hunter, cup of promise and bread of life. Regardless of the communal prayer words, when I take the elements these words are in my heart.

But those two pieces are not front and centre in the Gospel of John. The Johannine community, was egalatarian and interdependent (sorry patriarchal misogynists, those that became bishops and elders in the letters were across the gender spectrum, remember the beloved disciple from the cross was asked to care for his Mumma, and that is all of us). In most protestant circles there are 2 sacraments (baptism and communion), Anglicans have a 2+5 model, and Roman Catholics hold to 7 sacraments for the Western Church. Some say this is like a bonus sacrament demonstrated and illustrated beautifully in this stand alone gospel story (found not in the other 3).

But I do not see it as a bonus, as I read, and contemplate and have since Dr. Fox’s Johannine lit course in seminary, it has been the sacrament that flows through and actualizes the others (whether 2, 2+5 or 7). Let the words flow, and see if you can notice what the sacrament is?


4Knowing all of this, during the meal Creator Sets Free (Jesus) got up from the table, took off his outer garments, and wrapped a cloth around himself like a sash. 5He poured water into a vessel and, one by one, he began to wash the feet of his followers and dry them with the cloth.

This was a task reserved for only the lowest servant of the household.

6He came to Stands on the Rock (Peter), who said to him, “Wisdomkeeper, are you going to wash my feet?”

7“You do not understand now what I am doing, but later you will,” he answered.

8“No!” Stands on the Rock (Peter) lifted his voice, “This can never be!”

Creator Sets Free (Jesus) looked deep into his eyes and said, “If you refuse this, then you have no part in who I am.”

9“Wisdomkeeper,” he answered back, “if this is so, then wash my hands and head also!”

10Creator Sets Free (Jesus) replied, “If you have already had a bath, only your feet need washing, and then you will be clean all over. Now, you are all clean. Except for one.”

11He said this because he knew who would betray him.

After he had finished washing all their feet, 12he put his outer garment back on and sat down again at the table.

“Do you see what I have done?” he said to them. 13“You are right to call me Wisdomkeeper and Chief—because I am. 14If I, your Wisdomkeeper and Chief, have washed your feet, then you should wash each other’s feet. 15So follow my footsteps and do for each other what I have done for you.

16“I speak from my heart. The one who serves is not greater than the one who is served. A message bearer is not greater than the one who sent him. 17If you walk in this way of blessing, you will do well, and it will return to you—full circle.

It flows through so seamlessly, and ties into the love commandments that summarized all the ancient teachings, laws and prophets when Creator Sets Free was challenged about what the greatest was, he spoke the love commandments that are not a hierarcy, but an infinite circle of Love of God, self and neighbour for we are all intertwined.

The sacrament that connects all, and builds the interdependnet healthy community, is simply, the gift of Maundy Thursday–

Sacrament of Service.

Another year of entering into Easter Weekend at a distance. Many decry and wonder why we cannot gather, yet the sacerament of service, is the answer to the lament, and where Alberta is currently in our pandemic journey as I shared on Facebook yesterday (a unique day with Maundy Thursday & April Fool’s Day sharing space). Yes I apologize for the laise fair share of twoof my Facebook screen shots a day late instead of the normal Maundy Thursday reflection, but as the day closed after 381 days of online existence/teaching, weariness won out, so below were the thoughts that brings us into the reality of the Sacrament of Service:

Can you live out a modern foot washing in this pandemic time this Easter Weekend?

On Good Friday we have shared 11,000 new cases. Yes a third wave is here, and some, like those of Grace Life Church and Fairview Baptist use the conept of take up their cross and that they are “persecuted” under the guise of religious freedom to cause harm to neighbour and the Love Message of Brother Jesus. It was during our online Good Friday service, walking the Stations of the Cross Reflectively that we discussed as a family, what the idea of take up the cross looks like. It is not an image to hide our bias, bigotries, prejudices, hatreds, martyr complexes, or communal sins lived out. Brother Jesus lived out a radical servant messiahship, not a might make right, not Jesus with an assault rifle, rather a humble teacher from working class roots, with a calling to serve, to live out what the Imageo Dei was meant to be. It radically shattered the glass ceilings of the time. Lived out, it shifted dynamics, empowered the voices of the voiceless, showed that all had equality, and worth in the Kingdom (our divisive labels were there to divide and harm, and rather useless). There was a celebration of the once known as untouchable, unwanted or “property” of Empire, on Palm Sunday, that on Maundy Thursday, in John Mark’s folks upper room, Jesus would gather with his friends. Share the Passover Meal.

A meal that called back the rememberance of another time of freedom from Oppression from the story of Exodus. Think of the power of the Oppressed being freed, and another Empire publicly exposed for its weakness, and once the oppressed realized they had worth, it crumbled like a house of cards (thinking of any connections to the current era of Reconciliation and Transformation?). That after dinner, Jesus would go to Gethsemane, to the Garden to pray, and there that he would be betrayed, by one of his close friends, with the kiss of greeting.

From there, the fear of the Oppressor was on full display in the journey to the lynching of Brother Jesus. The lies, the propaganda, the falsities, and the gaming of the system to silence the one that chose to challenge what was wrong with society. What did harm and damage to the Imageo Dei. When we talked with our kids about what take up the cross meant, these are the moments we shared. The times when faith led to true and healthy change in our world, when the thin space between the Holy Mystery and Creation overlapped. Times like the Red River Resistance, Indigenous Rights, end of Apartheid, Truth & Reconciliation, LGBTTQ2+ rights, Feminism, Women’s Rights, social safety nets, disability rights, and, sadly, the list goes on, as the societal sin of Christendom (and insert any idealogy or religion that evil has used to hide behind to divide, to cause harm, to perpetuate genocide no one truly has not been used) but it is in those moments when we know we are standing up for the Kingdom value of the blessedness of the Imageo Dei, justice in love, and all belonging regardless of pushback–that is the true moments of taking up the Cross, and walking the path of Brother Jesus to Golgotha.

How does our communities truly transfigure if Christians truly took up the Cross, like Simon of Cyrene did?

We gather a part for the second year, reminiscient of the early followers of Jesus on that first Easter. Our gathering apart shows our care and love in our Sacrament of Service.

In the name of our loving Creator, whose Image we see in one another, the love of our Brother Jesus’ whose cross we carry to the glory of the Sunrise, and the release of the Loving Passion in our communities transfigured through the Loving & Holy Spirit in us, through us and connecting us.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Some Holy Weekend Resources/Services for your reflection:

Bow Valley Christian Church Good Friday Service.

Culture, Christ and Covid

Stations of the Cosmic Christ

All Saints Lutheran Church Calgary Holy Week Resources, Reflections and Services.

The Lenten Season officially comes to a close with what is known as the “scourging of the altar” concludes Lent. The betrayal is nigh, and the Good Friday awaits…but let us not skip ahead, but fall back to the week that was…and will be again.

Saturday before the Triumphal entry upon a burrow known as a an ass

A morning of flashbacks uncontrollably cracking through

beating my body like a desert hot wind against skin

cracking skin

letting the pain out

need to put it back in

Wonderful conversations

In workshops around

TheGood Grief Journey in to the New

What it means to be church?

Hold the Holy Silence?

Grow circles of Support?

Live through change–as pieces of Grief, pastoral care.

Holy Spirit things

Make it through

Lost to the wilderness…

Unable to resist

the pain renders through an already ravage system

Palm Sunday

Some say a Triumphal Entry,

Brother Jesus coming with those cast away from society on one side of the city

with dying reminders of the oppression of religion and Empire along the streets.

While Empire celebrated and marched on the other side,

flexing their muscle to bully and intimidate

Usually waving palms and singing Hosannas,

Folding crosses

and celebrating the Prince of Peace

Rolling through my own entries

Memories physically, emotionally and spiritually crippling

scant moments of lucid awakeness

before once more returning to fitful sleeps of thoughts creating

Waking nightmares

That have to be lived once more

what truly is one’s own entry of triumph

to sing Hosanna?

Monday’s Temple Toss

Human functions of worship

not used to include

but to exclude and bear burden

not to a sacred sanctuary but a money pit

a den of thieves

Jesus causes a stampede and throws tables chasing away

those that desecrate Holy Love.

Me and Little man,


still trying to get Pandora’s demons back into her box

seeing what will remain to work through.

Nothing creates sacred sanctuary

like a boy and his dad

watching cartoons

Discourse Tuesday

Where Jesus whither’s figs, talks with religious types and the end of oppression…

Body won’t let the demons reveal

it tremors with weakness,

still unsure if fully up,

after the recycle of harsh symptoms sans seizure racked my body

Shrink shows tools

that are of use,

to unpack the thoughts

and bring them to better use

An election goes

the way of awry

and people are left with depression inside

eating fries and sipping coffee

even your friend admits you don’t look healthy.

Why won’t the demons either pop or go back in the box?

The constant teariness is most obnox.

Spy Wednesday

Some would call it Holy,

but it is tied to the ending of ideals

and goodness…

of the oppressors plotting the End Game

for a rambling labourer turned rabbi of peace and love

perhaps a bit on the nose,

but it is a time of sipping coffee and inverting the game

plotting to build belonging

by shattering oppressive stereotypes

the demons are beginning to crawl back in

the one’s the body lets me deal,

crumble to dust

with the tools given

to explode the thoughts….

Wilderness time closes…

as we prepare the table

Maundy Thursday

Short form of Latin Mandatum novum do vobis ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexi vos (A New Commandment I give you)

The demons I cannot handle,

are locked away once more

for a healthier time to pick those scabs

A Day of rest


await the Holy Table to be set

and the water of the first sacrament to be poured

the words, A New Commandment I give you…

is the one to love.

Jesus showed

by humility of washing feet

to know and show love

The unfamiliarity

in the hot sanctuary

not what was expecting

yet the words around Gethsemane

and prayer

being awake and present

bringing it real

not just gospel story real,

but in everyday life

will we be willing to truly sit with

be present and awake with,

one another…

with ourselves?



A Judas Goat is a spy-mystery reference for someone who infiltrates the movement to bring it down, or a member of a movement turned. Judas obviously from the story of Judas Iscariot in the Christian Testament. Goat can be of two veins. One being scape goat, that in which communities would place their sins upon for sacrifice to make right, or goat the old English colloquialism of one that acts out for praise and attention. But it is a term that transcends many tales for one used in their own mind to do what is right, or to correct for the one’s in power and control.

14 Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests 15 and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver. 16 From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.

-Matthew 26:14-16(New International Version)

Judas is a name that moved from heroic connotations within the context of the stories of the Maccabees and the messiah being waited on…to one of betrayer with the Gospel proclamation of what has become known as Holy Week. Literature wise it was a character that allowed to show the false messiah ship of the warrior king, that in the end would prove the destruction of the religious controllers’ due to the use of force and power. Over the centuries there has been debate about Judas Iscariot. Why did he do it? Was it a power grab? Was it for the money? Was it for jealousy? Or did Judas truly believe, as recent theologians will postulate that by doing this he was advancing the Kingdom?

Take time in contemplative journaling-whether it is in colour, art, writing or all three on the story through the eyes of Judas.  What comes through for you as the truth of the journey?

For the deal is struck. The Upper Room is prepared… and what we term Maundy Thursday is about ready to begin:

Before the feast of Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had come
to pass from this world to the Father.
He loved his own in the world and he loved them to the end.
The devil had already induced Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot, to hand him over.
So, during supper,
fully aware that the Father had put everything into his power
and that he had come from God and was returning to God,
he rose from supper and took off his outer garments.
He took a towel and tied it around his waist.
Then he poured water into a basin
and began to wash the disciples’ feet
and dry them with the towel around his waist.
He came to Simon Peter, who said to him,
“Master, are you going to wash my feet?”
Jesus answered and said to him,
“What I am doing, you do not understand now,
but you will understand later.”
Peter said to him, “You will never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered him,
“Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me.”
Simon Peter said to him,
“Master, then not only my feet, but my hands and head as well.”
Jesus said to him,
“Whoever has bathed has no need except to have his feet washed,
for he is clean all over;
so you are clean, but not all.”
For he knew who would betray him;
for this reason, he said, “Not all of you are clean.”

So when he had washed their feet
and put his garments back on and reclined at table again,
he said to them, “Do you realize what I have done for you?
You call me ‘teacher’ and ‘master,’ and rightly so, for indeed I am.
If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet,
you ought to wash one another’s feet.
I have given you a model to follow,
so that as I have done for you, you should also do.”

-John 13:1-15

The Supper with friends is seen as the institution of communion, some will say because it is only in the newest Canonical Gospel, John, that the idea of foot washing is introduced. Yet this Gospel is a proclamation of community mystic life. It zeroes in on the Sacrament of Service (remember that whole Love your neighbour as yourself and your God thing?). As Brother Jesus lowers himself to the simplest of acts after a long day for his followers.

It is why foot washing is often still used, many churches have abandoned the practice…yet they miss something in the story by doing this. There is nothing more humbling to truly understand the walk the talk actions.

Yet in this moment, Jesus knew something was off.

Continue your journal as Judas…what is rolling in your heart in this moment of humility??

How has this radical love moment challenged your previous life actions?

What calling has been laid out for you in this moment?

Will you answer the call?

Chapter 106 (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ)

The Christines are in Magdala. Jesus heals a man who was blind, dumb and obsessed. He teaches the people. While he speaks his mother, brothers and Miriam come to him. He teaches a lesson on family relationship. He introduces Miriam to the people and she sings her songs of victory.

1. Magdala is beside the sea, and here the teachers taught.
2. A man obsessed, and who was blind and dumb was brought, and Jesus spoke the Word, and lo, the evil spirits went away; the man spoke out, his eyes were opened and he saw.
3. This was the greatest work that men had seen the master do, and they were all amazed.
4. The Pharisees were there, and they were full of jealous rage; they sought a cause whereby they might condemn.
5. They said, Yes, it is true that Jesus does a multitude of mighty works; but men should know that he is leagued with Beelzebul.
6. He is a sorcerer, a black magician of the Simon Cerus type; he works as Jannes and as Jambres did in Moses’ day.
7. For Satan, prince of evil spirits, is his stay by night and day and in the name of Satan he casts the demons out, and in his name he heals the sick and raises up the dead.
8. But Jesus knew their thoughts; he said to them, You men are masters, and you know the law; whatever is arrayed against itself must fall; a house divided cannot stand;
9. A kingdom warring with itself is brought to naught.
10. If Satan casts the devil out, how can his kingdom stand?
11. If I, by Beelzebul, cast devils out, by whom do you cast devils out?
12. But if I, in the holy name of God, cast devils out, and make the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, the blind to see, the dumb to speak, has not God’s kingdom come to you?
13. The Pharisees were dumb; they answered not.
14. As Jesus spoke a messenger approached and said to him, Your mother and your brothers wish to speak with you.
15. And Jesus said, Who is my mother? and my brothers, who are they?
16. And then he spoke a word aside unto the foreign masters and the twelve; he said,
17. Behold, men recognise their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers here in flesh; but when the veil is rent and men walk in the realms of soul,
18. The tender lines of love that bind the groups of fleshly kin in families will fade away.
19. Not that the love for anyone will be the less; but men will see in all the motherhood, the fatherhood, the sisterhood, the brotherhood of man.
20. The family groups of earth will all be lost in universal love and fellowship divine.
21. Then to the multitudes he said, Whoever lives the life and does the will of God is child of God and is my mother, father, sister, friend.
22. And then he went aside to speak to mother and his other kindred in the flesh.
23. But he saw more than these. The maiden who once thrilled his very soul with love. a love beyond the love of any fleshly kin;
24. Who was the sorest tempter in the temple Heliopolis beside the Nile, who sung for him the sacred songs, was there.
25. The recognition was of kindred souls, and Jesus said,
26. Behold, for God has brought to us a power men cannot comprehend, a power of purity and love;
27. To make more light the burdens of the hour, to be a balm for wounded souls;
28. To win the multitude to better ways by sacred song and holy life.
29. Behold, for Miriam who stood beside the sea and sung the song of victory when Moses led the way, will sing again.
30. And all the choirs of heaven will join and sing the glad refrain:
31. Peace, peace on earth; good will to men!
32. And Miriam stood before the waiting throngs and sung again the songs of victory, and all the people said, Amen.

One of the most challenging parts of is the question of healings in the 21st century world of inclusion and acceptance of mental health concerns; disabilities, and life experienced with chronic illness. One of the things I have begun to groove on in Levi’s early 20th century metaphysical-universalist retelling of the Story of Jesus Bar Josephson channeling the Cosmic Christ, is that he gets to the heart of the point.

Where it is easy on the surface to go “healing” crazy. That creates a world where those who are differently abled in some way can be viewed as “less than” in the local religious community. The old trollops and two-bitters of “well if you had more faith” or “if you prayed more” that you would be healed to name a few. But this misses the point.

See the Bible stories were very much of their time with the human writers behind it. And as of their time, like now, the people were held hostage by oppressive forces. Those forces being the Roman Empire in the Christian Testament, that saw the “less than” (that being anyone not Roman Born) as nothing more than property. Yet within that oppressed ranks, the temple authorities of the Sadducees and Pharisees created a hierarchy of belonging, that said who was and who was not in tune with the Holy Mystery based on their outward appearance.

This is the throw down Jesus lays out for these vipers as his cousin John dubbed them. For by doing the healing the hierarchy was shattered and the falsity of the laws created by the oppressive religion for nothing more than power were revealed to the masses. This was the challenge that as 106:13 states the Pharisees were stuck dumb (unable to speak)…they had nothing to stand on now to create any barriers of superiority.

Yet Jesus then goes forward in the throw down. As these ridiculous laws of where special needs, disabilities, illness came from…it was more, as these same rules also spoke to what family was:

  1. As Jesus spoke a messenger approached and said to him, Your mother and your brothers wish to speak with you.
    15. And Jesus said, Who is my mother? and my brothers, who are they?
    16. And then he spoke a word aside unto the foreign masters and the twelve; he said,
    17. Behold, men recognise their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers here in flesh; but when the veil is rent and men walk in the realms of soul,
    18. The tender lines of love that bind the groups of fleshly kin in families will fade away.
    19. Not that the love for anyone will be the less; but men will see in all the motherhood, the fatherhood, the sisterhood, the brotherhood of man.
    20. The family groups of earth will all be lost in universal love and fellowship divine.


Jesus removes the veil that it is blood/dna/culture/religion/ideology that creates groupings. This was not true. This is what created the social situation where people were literally dying in the gutters of the ancient world. It created have and have nots, it allowed the spiritualization of suffering and superiority. 21. Then to the multitudes he said, Whoever lives the life and does the will of God is child of God and is my mother, father, sister, friend. (106:21).  What binds us? The Holy Mystery. Releasing our own selfishness, and entering into the true communion of family with one another in equality, justice, love and respect is what allows hope to grow. Love to transform.

This is the story of what the healing were getting at. Shoving forward that those who were cast out due to differences, were actually resonating within the Holy Mystery already. The ancient Mayans would hold high in esteem those we would say are “special needs” today, for they had a deeper communion with the Holy and creation.

Yet today, we are falling into the same fallacy. Allowing labels to rend us apart as community, neigh, rend us apart as family that is what the collective of humanity is. This is what Brother Jesus spoke/taught/lived against, and yes, even lost his life for this message on what we dub Good Friday (to happen tomorrow in Christendom the world over). A life taken speaking truth of love and inclusion. Challenging societal labelling norms of oppression and destruction. Sound familiar? Are we ready to be the voice seen/heard 2000 years ago?

To hit the home run, Jesus reminded the Pharisees the true equality of their world. Back to the Exodus, which ties back to the original blessing of creation, it was not Moses who sung the victory song, but another priest:


  1. To make more light the burdens of the hour, to be a balm for wounded souls;
    28. To win the multitude to better ways by sacred song and holy life.
    29. Behold, for Miriam who stood beside the sea and sung the song of victory when Moses led the way, will sing again.
    30. And all the choirs of heaven will join and sing the glad refrain:
    31. Peace, peace on earth; good will to men!
    32. And Miriam stood before the waiting throngs and sung again the songs of victory, and all the people said, Amen.

This Maundy Thursday, as we sup one last time, wash feet, serve one another as Brother Jesus showed us love in action before the betrayal…

Are we ready to live out the love in action and transform our family?

For the ultimate healing is not to make everyone the same. The ultimate healing is drawing the circle wide to include the beautiful rainbow that is the creation of the Holy Mystery so all have a place in the family. All have a seat at the family table to break bread and celebrate, sing, dance and laugh together.

The true transfiguration into a new world. Truly answering the question, What Would Love Do?

So are you ready to find your answer.

Are you ready to Transfigure our world?

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglican Church, Ashfield, New South Wales. Illustrates Jesus' description of himself "I am the Good Shepherd" (from the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 11). This version of the image shows the detail of his face. The memorial window is also captioned: "To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of William Wright. Died 6th November, 1932. Aged 70 Yrs." (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Great Family Maundy Service Prayer Night—From ligthing our Christ Candle, to Preacher_boi saying grace over the juice, and Princess JLAAR blessing the bread for communion; to hearing the story of the Friends from John & Matthew with the new commandment to love each other as Jesus loved us (the sacrament of service or world changing if you will)…to the 2 great songs that spoke of Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane: God is Bigger than the Boogie Man & Peace Like a River (with actions)…to my kids own blessings as inte…rcession, to Judas’ Kiss and what I believe Jesus would have said “It is okay Judas, I understand and love you” and a reminder that God’s peace is with us in our darkest times as Jesus was taken, and as Preacher_boi’s lip started to quiver with his friend being led from the garden, Daddy asks, what happens on Sunday? Preacher_boi twinkles “tomb empty, we win”.

The light was blown out to await Good Friday. If you wish to come to hear a Family Home Prayer of Good Friday it’s at 1 p.m.